Tuesday, March 10, 2015

I (need to) Get On My Knees

*You know how I LOVE music!! Do you know that song from the title?

If I prayed as often as I felt led, my knees would be busted, bruised, and raw from so much hit-the-floor praying. It's not that I don't want to ruin my knees or dirty my pants -- it's just that I don't... I JUST DON'T! Poor excuse -- no excuse. (I'm being very honest and transparent, y'all). Can you relate?

I have found myself leaning more on other things like calling my spouse/a friend/my mom to talk. NOT that that's wrong to seek advise and support -- but that shouldn't be my first source. GOD should be the first lifeline!

I have found myself detouring around prayer with things like Facebook and Pinterest. If you know me, you know it's getting ridiculous when that detour includes laundry and housecleaning!!!!!

I have found myself consumed with other important projects like additional school work (not required) and extending projects that shouldn't require much but I put more into them just for the extension.

Man, if I was a friend of mine being treated by me like this we wouldn't be close friends much longer!

There's the difference though. I don't know why - I just don't understand it! The God of the Universe, the Creator Himself continues to seek me in a relationship when I put Him off and drop Him on my list of priorities.

Have you ever heard someone say, "Why do people treat the ones they love so disrespectfully or rudely?" Then a reply comes like, "Because they know their loved one will always be there and they just learn to take it - the other person really doesn't feel that way, they just give their loved one the leftovers." Let's be honest... that's a crummy attitude. And leftovers get mushy, tasteless, and cause too much heartburn or gas at times. Just ask my loving husband!

So going beyond my marriage and close relationships here on Earth, I give my Heavenly Father my leftovers?!? Ugh!!!

So now let's try to turn this around... when we dearly love someone and want a deep, intimate relationship with them we give them so much of our time, energy, and focus! We make sure to give them the first minute of our day and the last thought of our night. We run to them with any news that comes our way. We lean on them for strength, support, and wisdom during trials and events in our lives. We even just sit there with them with nothing much to say but just spending quality time together!! And through this, we feel so full - so complete - so _____________ (what word would you use for this feeling?!?!?!?!)

Reflection time:
Have you ever been in this rut? (I seriously believe it's just a rut - but yet this rut could become a lifestyle that would become displeasing to our Father -- let's NOT go there!)
So then with it being a rut, what action(s) do we choose to take?
And when are we going to implement this action plan? (sounds fancy... I guess it's all this professional adult stuff I have in my life lending way to fancy-shmancy lingo)

I know this doesn't wrap up our STORM study - that's coming shortly. I just felt the need to write about this. I have no doubt that I'm not the only one who is going through this (or has gone through this) sort of thing. And if we are honest with each other for the purpose of accountability, we will find ourselves meditating over our relationship with God and, through conviction, changing what needs to be changed PRONTO! If the Spirit is tapping on us, convicting us, calling us to draw closer to God and we keep putting it off, pushing it aside, or turning our backs... just stop right there!! Why would we keep doing that??? Let's respond. Let's have some of the holiest of jeans, rawest of skins, and bruisiest (??? sure, why not) of knees!!

In the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit!
Deuteronomy 6:7
Deuteronomy 4:9
Deuteronomy 11:19
Isaiah 38:19
God, this just felt right to type about this tonight! Oh, I have become lethargic in my Walk. Some days I feel on fire, but then most days I feel like I'm barely plugging along. In all of this, it still amazes me that You are so loving and willing to let me come back and cling to You! Why would I ever grow lazy in such relationship??? God, I'm so sorry. Please forgive me. And help me each day to commit to this relationship with You. I know You know me but You want to KNOW me more... and as I continue reading and studying Your Word and spending time with You, I desire to know You more too! Just as with any relationship, the more time I spend with You, the more I am drawn to You and want to seek You out more. God, this is my prayer! Reignite the flame in me. I want to be on fire for You and be close to You! Thank You, Lord Jesus!!! Amen.