Sunday, December 28, 2014

If You Move, I'll Move...

Where You go, I'll go... Where You stay I'll stay... If You move, I'll move... I will follow YOU!

This is a lovely chorus from a song by Chris Tomlin (you can hear the whole song with lyrics here - if we were in person, you know I'd sing it for you!!). The reason I bring up this chorus is for the purpose of sharing my move. We were stationed in North Carolina for four years (one year longer than originally planned but that year was one of the best years of my life). Then it was time for our family to move to Alabama. This was going to be a very bittersweet move.. the hardest one of our lives by far! We had solid friendships and, let's be real, even technology can't keep you as tied to friends as a close proximity. We prayed over this move. Knowing that it was God's will for this next step in Big Jake's career, we went. We said our See Ya Later's (knowing it wasn't a forever good-bye) and hit the road.

I write all of this to you because I knew this would affect our study group, Acts 2:42. We planned joked about FaceTiming me in on Friday mornings to facilitate our gatherings. I knew I was going to have a hard time moving away from this amazing group of gals. Big Jake encouraged me to "see" my new mission field: my new classroom, my new job, my new neighborhood, my NEW. This was an exciting thought for me, but, man, I knew I was going to miss the Acts 2:42 group - those intimate interactions with girls who knew me - the good, the bad, the ugly.

So getting into this new groove of mine in Alabama, honestly, was rough. I had a hard time maintaining my own study time with the Father. I wasn't getting plugged in and connecting with other women who studied the Word. Even my "coffee talk" (prayer time) with Him was not occurring frequently enough - a friend would consider our relationship dead by the lack of time spent together!!

Thank God I serve a God who wants me to draw near to Him! Otherwise, it'd be like I was on a boat with no motor and no guide, floating aimlessly in an everlasting sea with no shore.

Just in the recent weeks (maybe months) God has continued talking to me, even if it was on a megaphone trying to get my undivided attention which He fully deserves. I knew it was way past time to start a blog. A while back, I started one under my account but never really used it. Instead of naming a whole other blog, I would make that one what it was meant for - connecting me and YOU with God!

My intention is to type on here often, with the focus being on God: drawing us nearer to Him, walking closer to Him, finding our refuge in Him, setting our eyes on Him, and living our lives so others see Him (in us). I will start us with a prayer and end with a prayer. We will have verses to look up and reference. While you read my posts, please feel free to nibble on a few snacks! And, although this is a blog post, you can ALWAYS comment and we can reach each other that way - the way of fellowship in the 21st Century! :)

So tonight I end with this...
Thank you for this fire relit in me. I pray this blog is a place where I can record Your promptings in my life... where we can reflect on Your awesomeness here... where we can learn to apply new or rediscovered Truths to our lives... where women can feel Your love pouring out on our lives. Lord, guide me as I blog. Lead me in YOUR will. And let this be an outreach to someone - whether I know her or not, You do. Speak into her life. Lord let her hear. I give this to You!

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