Let's get going on today's post...
Dear Heavenly Father,
Thank you so much for this blog. For this moment to study You more. To visit stories from Your Word and learn from them. God I thank you for these quiet moments when we can reflect on our week, seek Your help in growing us, and asking You to guide us back on the path of Your will. As we read and study the powerful wind today, would You open our minds and hearts to what You would have us gain from this moment in time? Please let us be in Your presence and be filled with the Spirit. Amen!!!!!!!!
So last week we started reading about the storm (heavy winds) in Matthew 14, verses 22-33. Jesus is not on the boat with them. He stayed back to dismiss the crowd and to have some quiet prayer time on His own. So at this moment, the wind is raging... the disciples are in the middle of the Sea, far from land... the boat is being tossed by the waves... and our Lord is not with them... BUM! BUM! BUUUUUM! (just giving it that mystery movie feel).
Picking up in verse 25... And in the fourth watch of the night he came to them, walking on the sea. But when the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were terrified, and said, “It is a ghost!” and they cried out in fear. But immediately Jesus spoke to them, saying, “Take heart; it is I. Do not be afraid.”
BAM!!! Now THAT is a powerful chunk of verses! Did you catch all that??
Jesus is so good! He did not leave the disciples out there in the windy weather on the Sea of Galilee. NO! He came to them! There's high winds tossing their boat about. The men were probably a bit nervous - let's be real! Stomachs turning. A bit concerned for their well-being. And then they see this Man who has been doing amazing things. Some of them are believing in who He really is (Peter hasn't been asked yet "Who do the people say I am? Who do you say I am?") and others still have questions or just that "not sure" mentality. Let's wait for a moment to discuss the walking on water moment and just focus in on the fact that He came! In the middle of a storm (the weather could change in the blink of an eye on this sea), He came! In the middle of chaos, He came! To some very ho-hum men in a boat, He came. Why??? To show His power? To hop a ride the rest of the way to shore? To show He cared? To show His love for these men? I believe beyond a shadow of a doubt this part of this story proves an amazing truth: no matter the situation, Jesus will be there!! As much as snowy weather keeps us stranded or rain slows our travels, we still try our best to get to someone we love when they are in need. How much MORE our Savior will come for us! Just even think on the point that He was willing to come from His place up in Heaven to this Earth, coming down to save us of our sins! Yet in the storms of this world that we will go through in our lifetimes, He will still come to us!
Jesus is so powerful! Think about it... He walked on water!!! I know y'all have seen the silly posters and pictures out there relating to this event (some in good humor so we all chuckle along...). He has sovereign dominion over all matter. I recently taught solids-liquids-gases to my Kindergarten students. It was neat exploring water in these three states. And then a little girl shouted out, "So did Jesus walk on ice?" I smiled, always excited when Jesus and God are brought up in conversation in my public education classroom!! I told her the best answer I knew: No, sweetie, the Bible tells us that Jesus walked on the water - doing the impossible to prove His awesomeness, something that no one here on Earth could ever do! Isn't it amazing??" I heard a preacher once speak on this regarding the molecules and scientific make-up, these momentary changes that might have occurred the moment His feet touched the water surface. To be honest, I don't really need to spend my brain's energy thinking through it like that. It is just so amazing, such an "awe" moment that I can leave it at just that. I don't ponder too hard about God parting the Red Sea. Or Jesus raising Lazarus. But I believe with my whole heart it happened, that's the truth, and my God is powerful beyond my brain's understanding!!!!!!
Jesus is... Jesus (His voice tells it all... no name needed)! As He is approaching the boat, the guys freak out thinking the "being" is a ghost. Jesus calls out, "It is I!" Is there a group of friends that you know so well that you could walk into a darkened room where they sit and say "It is I" and they'd know your voice? How about your spouse? (I sure HOPE you could do that to your spouse and he/she would know your voice!) In Song of Solomon 2:8 it reads, "Listen! My beloved! Behold, he is coming." That person knew the spouse's voice. I know my sons know my voice!! And I'm sure some folks would know my voice over the phone if Caller ID was taken away. But here we are in a storm, during the Fourth Watch (so like between 3 and 6 a.m.), dark all around, wind howling, waves crashing. And this man comes walking on the water and says "It is I!" How shocking maybe at first!! Holy cow, a man is walking on the water! Oh, but I know that voice!! Comfort and calmness rush over me. I'm still a bit confused at what is taking place... BUT I KNOW THAT VOICE... HE IS HERE! Friends, isn't this such a beautiful thought!?!? True believers who are in an intimate relationship with our Savior KNOW His voice!
One final thought for our study today...
Jesus is reassuring and comforting! After the men grow terrified and fearful of this approaching ghost, Jesus IMMEDIATELY calls out to them to "take heart... do not be afraid." Jesus did not have them sit there in the tossed boat full of fear for long. He immediately called out to them and shared words of comfort. I do not believe fear and doubt come from God. They are feelings we gained from being part of this fallen world. So the Son of God squashed their fears the moment they were expressed out loud. How amazing! When we bring our fears and doubts to Him through prayer (our conversations with Him) He can immediately fill us with peace. We still have to work through some things - I'm not saying the situation that caused that fear or doubt will instantly be removed and erased out of our lives. But the feelings that filled us will be covered over by this supernatural peace that only comes from our Heavenly Father!! Think about it: peace is part of the Fruit of the Spirit. So that peace that washes over us comes from the Spirit filling us, which is a direct connection to the Almighty. WOW!! <<<mind blowing>>>
Friends, there is still one more major part in this story that we will dissect next post (Peter takes an amazing step in faith...). But for now, let's just reflect on the points of today's post: Jesus is good... Jesus is powerful... Jesus is Jesus (we know His voice)... and Jesus is comforting. The men were faced with some pretty extreme conditions (If you want to look more into the Sea of Galilee and its weather, check out http://christiananswers.net/q-eden/ednk-seaofgalilee.html for more info) and then they got to experience something amazing. Let us remember this story and know that when we might be in a horrific storm in this life, Jesus can still do something amazing!
Have you experienced "something amazing" in your lifetime? Or have you seen it take place in someone else's life? I have the faith to know that my God will come to my side, offering me peace like no other, whatever the situation may be because He is the Almighty!
Dear God,
Thank you so much for this study time. I know we were in Your presence!! And I have full faith that You guided this study. God, when we face the storms of this life as we go about our week let us please remember Your goodness and Your peace, Your voice and the comfort that only You can provide! How amazing is this story so far! Please be with us as we start this week. Let us remember to seek You often and keep our focus on Your will for our life. Amen.