Our focus for a few posts is going to be on a storm and Peter. This prompting came to me when I started the last blog post about learning to float. I kept thinking about Peter and the moment he lost focus. Instead of cramming that into the last post, I decided to make it its very own study. I'm not going to rush through it - there's a lot of GOOD stuff. So let's get started!
Dear God,
We are so thankful to be sitting here again and studying more about Your love and grace. In every story and event that we read and learn about, we find more of Your love, promises, and truths to hold close. We ask that You guide us in this study of storms and Peter, and that You reveal great things to us. Let it grow us closer to You, Father. Amen!
Our focus story is Matthew 14:22-33.
At the beginning of Matthew 14 (after John's beheading) we find Jesus and his disciples hanging out with lots of folks. Jesus has the best catering business around (just being silly) -- from a few fish and loaves He is feeding 5,000 men (that number does not include all the women and children in attendance BY THE WAY). So as the hillside feast is wrapping up, some amazing events follow. Let's look at the first few...
Jesus sends His disciples away. And not just away, like a walk down the path. No. In a boat. Out in the water. To head towards the other side. "I'll catch up with you later, guys!" In verse 22 it says "immediately". So prior to dismissing the crowd, He instructs the men to head out. The seas were fair, weather nice at the start of the travel. And the men had followed His guidance and set out on the course.
While His men are sailing away, Jesus dismisses the crowd and heads to a quiet location for some prayer time alone. What a great example He sets for us today! Get away, get alone, and pray, y'all!!! We don't know what all took place during that prayer time but He was there until night fall. At this time, we find out our friends the disciples are out a ways in the water. And at this time, the waves are pounding the boat. The wind is blowing quite fierce. Does this story sound familiar? A boat. A storm. Hmmm? Check out Matthew 8. I wonder if these men (some former fishermen) had a thought like "Seriously? Again?! And this time Jesus isn't with us!!! He calmed the sea with his voice last time. I guess we will suffer through this one... if we're lucky. Ugh!!" Or maybe they thought about His words during the last storm: "Why are you fearful, oh you of little faith!" Maybe they were determined to hanker down and keep the faith in this storm.
At this point, we are going to push pause. I have some thoughts to share with you to wrap up this moment of the study. There's still so much I want to dive into in this story. We aren't even to the amazing walk yet!! But let's ponder together...
*There were fair seas at the start of the travel. Then a storm came before the arrival at the destination. Take a moment to think of this little nugget of truth. Oh, how many events and moments in my life are exactly like this process!! "This is easy enough... smooth sailing from here!" And woooooooo goes the wind and CRASH goes the waves! If you've read the chapter, you know how this stormy story ends. As for us in our daily lives, if we are believers and have faith in Jesus, we too know our ending! The storms may rage but our faith shall not fail. Do we learn from the lesson of the past, "Why are you afraid, you of little faith?" He was there once. He will always be there.
*They had followed His guidance to set out towards the other side. Now, they faced another storm!
Experiencing the first storm together where Jesus calms the seas, they now find themselves facing this storm alone. I'm not saying God wasn't THERE, but Jesus wasn't there (in the physical sense). Had the first experience left enough of an imprint on them? Would their "training" suffice? I believe with all my heart God tests us for many reasons. One of the reasons is to see our maturity and test our trust in Him. Where we fail, He will refine us and train us up if we allow Him the opportunity. Where we stand and not fall, we know we are gaining a stronger foundation. Are we allowing God to train us up? A personal trainer can only train someone in the gym if that person shows up! Then, in a competition, the trainer stands to the side, cheering and shouting out little tidbits of knowledge and technique but it's pretty much up to the contestant at that moment to take all the knowledge and experiences gained and make it through whatever event successfully. Can you connect with this? And don't miss the obedience part of this point. They followed His command. Do we listen to Him when He guides us? Are we obedient when He calls us? Even if it means a storm lies ahead (it's a broken world... storms always lie ahead).
*The disciples did not detract or go off-course.
Now, it's highly unlikely they could get to any shore with ease in the battle with the waves. But we are not told that the disciples abandoned ship or changed headings. So with that, their travels might have been disturbed but they were not driven from them. They pressed on. They stayed the course. Oh, the waves of this world crash hard on us and at times we feel so bogged down and swamped that it is so difficult to even think about moving one tiny step forward. But are we willing to just stay the course?! No matter the storm: no matter the winds or the waves!
Dear Father,
Thank you so much for putting this study on my heart. There's so many awesome parts remaining in this event that I pray You make it clear for our understanding. Lord, I ask as we go about our lives we think about these few points we have pulled out of this story. God, please train us up. Please guide us. And I pray that we are obedient and respond to Your guidance. No matter what storms lie ahead. May that strengthen our faith! Amen.
Ladies, I try very hard to make my thoughts clear. And I try to provide an organized flow to every posting. So it is my prayer that even if there is a loop-dee-loop somewhere in this, that it does not take you off track in your studying and understanding!
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