Sunday, May 10, 2015

The Storm - Part 3

Where have you been?? Just joking... where have I been?!?!?!

I looked back and saw that I published Part 2 on February 22nd. WOW! That's over two months ago. A LOT has happened since then. And, to be honest (because we always should be... and I don't want to get struck by lightening) I have put this post off for a while. I don't really have a great excuse... so I am sorry! Interestingly enough, God has poked at me over the last few months about writing this. Maybe a song brought this post to mind. Or a sermon. Or a comment from a friend. Today, it was a section in the book I am reading: Next Door Savior (Max Lucado). If you like to read, grab this up! If you don't like to read, well... get it in audio and let it read to you. It is so good! Short chapters, great examples, good scripture references. I think I like his style of writing.

I'm in the 17th chapter and it's entitled "Stormy Places." THAT'S how obvious God has to make it for me! :) A great question from this four-page (front and back) chapter was Where is God in all of this? Answer: Right in the middle of it all.

In Part 2 we talked about how Jesus calls out "It is I" or "I am" and that's all that needed to be said by Him for the disciples to know who was walking toward them on the water. He is, and was, and always will be I AM! Mr. Lucado writes how Jesus said it often enough and loud enough to get our attention: I am the bread of life, the Light of the world, the gate, the good shepherd, God's Son, the resurrection, the way, the truth, the life, the true vine. And the list goes on! How awesome, how amazing! NO ONE and NOTHING can be our Savior, coming to us in the middle of a lake during bad weather, calming and comforting us. Our fitting response: worship!

Dear God,
Thank You for this moment we have to sit and enjoy time with You! If it's been a while, please forgive us. If it's another piece to our daily study, let our minds and hearts become open to what we can learn about You. Lord, help us learn from this event and become stronger in our faith and walk. Guide this study. Amen!

Today we focus on Peter (Matthew 14:28-33). Oh, Peter! This was still early in the disciples' relationships with Jesus. Peter was a bit of a fireball from the beginning. "All in" kind of guy. I'm not going to start at the very beginning when we are first introduced to Simon Peter in the Gospels. But I will give you a very short snippet of the man -- Jesus met Simon, the fisherman. He called him to become a fisher of men. So Peter dropped his net and became a close disciple of Jesus. Peter had a wife and a mother-in-law (she got sick, Jesus healed her). Peter's given name was Simon. Jesus called him "Cephas" (i.e. the Rock... aka Peter) at one of their first meetings. Such a strong name to be given to a man who has yet made his own proclamation of faith and salvation in the True Messiah. Powerful! Ok, let's jump in. Ha! Get it?!?!!?

When Peter responds to Jesus in verse 28 saying "If it is you, command me to come to you on the water," he's not looking for Jesus to prove a miracle. I understand it more as Peter believing in the Savior, beckoning for Jesus to call him out so he can draw near to Christ. Friend, think about it: what storm will we go through just to stand by Jesus? Peter always seemed to have this "next to your side" type personality. Honestly, I have that too - so much so, at times I think I turn people off with my over-the-top "smother you because I love you" attitude!! Hey, we all have our issues! :)  Peter is that friend who is waiting by the phone, just waiting for Jesus to ring and say, Hey I need ya... and Peter is out the door without even getting directions, time, or a "See ya soon." I think I like that about Peter!

Jesus is walking toward the boat, Peter is ready to go out the boat to Jesus. What faith! The heart just grows fonder... we desire to step out and head towards Him, not really paying attention to our surroundings.

Jesus responds: Come! Peter got the go-ahead. He didn't rashly and haphazardly thrust himself onto the situation. Peter's faith to go was dependent on Christ. Sometimes I forget to wait for a response. Then I can become pushy and overbearing with my friends. And, looking at how I respond to God's will and timing, I can fail in that area too. Sometimes I jump before God says "just stand" or I start a sprint when God says "pace the marathon". Do you face this too? I'm not saying stay a statue but ASK Him... and once you have the go-ahead, rock out! Knock BEFORE you enter, look both ways BEFORE you cross the street. Pray and seek wise counsel BEFORE... (insert your personal issue here). The BEFORE can save us from a bad AFTER.

This action and movement of Peter doesn't seem to show a doubting in the Christ but a way to grow in his trust in the Savior. Unlike the Pharisees trying to "catch" Jesus at something, Peter is eager to grow closer and learn more from Jesus. If you have ever been in a relationship, you know the eagerness to spend time together to learn more about each other. When my hubby and I started dating, he was drilled with 100 and 1 questions about his past, present, and future. I wasn't trying to catch him at something or find a fault in him - I just wanted to know him better! See if he was worth my time. ;)  The only way for me to learn about him was to question him and then to spend time with him to see how he really lived - to see if his actions matched his words. Look at Peter. He has already been spending so much time with Jesus. Now, in such an amazing circumstance, Peter yearns to draw near to Jesus in the middle of powerful weather just to be with Him. I know that feeling with Jake and how much greater of a feeling is it when it is toward my loving Savior, the only One who can fill me completely!!

Verse 30 tells us that when Peter saw the wind, he became afraid and began to sink. He cried out "Lord save me!" It's not like the storm had momentarily stopped and all of sudden started back up. No, Peter's eyes had been set on the Savior and all worries and troubles had faded away for that moment. But then REALITY set back in and fear grabbed him. I've been there. You? He cried out just like I have so many times! LORD SAVE ME! No, I wasn't physically stepping out of a boat to walk towards Him but I was suddenly realizing the sinking feeling that was dragging me down - physically, emotionally, spiritually (or lack of...)! What has brought you down? Is there something currently dragging you down? Keep reading...

Verse 31: IMMEDIATELY Jesus reached out His hand and took hold of Peter. PRAISE GOD, Jesus is still in the business of reaching out and saving you and me! Psalm 63:8 reads "My soul clings to You; Your right hand upholds me." I have felt Him save me. He's brought me out of some very dark places - all I had to do was cry out to Him. Then Jesus adds a little comment about faith. Yes, there are times I can hear Him say to me just like Peter, "You of little faith, why did you doubt?" My fears lead me to doubt. And He calls us out for it. This isn't the only time we read about doubting faith. James 1:6 says But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind. The doubting person shows such uncertainty and instability in his trust in God and places it in the world. Oh, faith can be hard because it can be blind. But it needs to be strong and steady, not tossed about to and fro! Let that be a prayer of ours, to remain strong and steady, dear friend.

Peter walked to Jesus in faith. Peter learned of his weakness by sinking (note: his faith wasn't miraculously changed from that point forward... he said he wouldn't deny the Christ and yet he did THREE times). Peter got a confidence check. But this lesson encouraged his faith to grow even more. If you don't know, Peter goes on to be quite the missionary, bold in the faith, reaching out to Gentiles (non-Jewish folk), and learning so much along the way! His ending is that of a crucifixion yet he requested to be hung upside down because he felt he was not worthy to die the same death of his Savior. An amazing man! Worth deeper studying.

As we close out this final part of the study, please hear me: our lengthy trials will often show us a possible weakness in our faith. That's okay... grow from that!! Don't think you are a failure because you waivered in the storm! Peter did... and look at what all he became for the glory of the Father! Fear might get mixed in with a strong faith and great courage - we are only human. But strive, my friend, to remain strong. Be grounded in the Father and the Truth. The moment Peter and Jesus climbed into the boat "the wind ceased." The test, the trial, the scary situation ended like THAT (finger snap). And so we worship! We praise! We proclaim just like the men in the boat... "Truly You are the Son of God!"

Dear God,
We believe You are God, Jesus is Your Son, and You won't ever let us go under! If we cry out, even in our lacking of faith, Your right hand will uphold us and not let us fall. Thank You! I pray we have learned more about Your awesomeness in this final part of our study of the Storm. In just 11 verses we learn so much about You. Thank You for leading this study and helping us grow in our relationship with You. Let us be spurred to do so more often and become stronger in our faith. Amen!

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