Saturday, July 4, 2015

31... A Verse a Day!

Have any of you ever read through the book of Proverbs? I did during my "Read the Bible in a Year" plan. But I've wanted to spend more time in it. A dear friend of mine studied it recently and I meant to jump on that study with her. Instead, I missed the saddle. Then, I found out a church that we love to follow online (North Coast Church is starting a focus study on the book of Proverbs. They are chunking it out by topics. That'll be so exciting! You can follow along online, read the notes, and even have follow-up conversations using their Growth Group homework sheets.

Anyhow, I was thinking the other day... July has 31 days and Proverbs has been chunked out to 31 chapters. LIGHT BULB!! Read a chapter a day, read the book in the month. I wanted this to be more than just reading -- I wanted to include studying and reflecting.

So my plan (and I totally want you to join me)...
Read the chapter that correlates with the date. Choose a verse or two that really sticks out and resonates with me. Write it down: post on Facebook, use a pretty image/pic with the verse written across it, write it on a Post-It note, Sharpie it on an arm, get a local tattoo artist to add it to a sleeve... ok, I might be getting a little extravagant with these ideas but do you get the point?? If we read and study God's word and "write" it on our hearts, it's with us. That's HUGE!

So check out the little video attached. And if you are in, let me know!! You'll see me start posting my Proverbs verse(s) of the day. And, yes, we are starting a few days late but you can either play catch-up or get going from here. I promise, it'll be worth the time and effort you put in to this -- wisdom and knowledge are worth the work!!


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